My Pregnancy Stories..... Its me...Gambar nie captured, first pregnant, emm.. badan memang naik habis coz apa tidaknya suka sangat breakfeast dengan Pancake and butter... kalau makan paling kurang mesti 4 keping.. lagi2 time tu tak kerja..duduk di rumah saja...Excercise pun tidak duduk rumah makan tidur ...hihihh...Time tu my first year.. masih menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan sekeliling... First time tinggal di negara orang semua pun benda baru... Jiran-jiran pun tak ramah mesra macam negara sendiri..semua buat hal masing-masing... orang-orangnya x bergaul sangat....mind your own business.. culture memang beza.. tapi benda buat saya kagum dengan mereka nie.. kalau kita pergi sesebuah kedai dekat sini.. Perkerja mereka akan greeting you.. My First Baby Kevin...lahir pada bulan September 2013. Beratnya 2.9kg..uhuhh...Pengalaman melahirkan macam-macam rasa ada... sakitnya memang tak terkira..tiap kali contraction memang tak dapat nak gerak-gerak..Just wat...
Aging damages collagen that leads to skin damage Collagen account for 70% of the dermal layer of our skin. It is the basic building block of skin,bones,cartilage and other connective tissues in our body. Collagen assists in the regeneration of skin and works to maintain the skin's suppleness.In the cartilage of the joints, it functions as a cushion to reduce the burden on structural system, especially the hips, joints and knees. External and internal ageing factors can damage protein fibers, fibroblasts and vitamins needed to stimulate collagen production. These result in aging of skin. BB Plus Collagen Made primarily from high quality fish collagen. Fish collagen is a Type 2 collagen, said to have a structure of an amino acid chain perfectly compatible to the human. Due to the natural habitat of fish, the collagen derived from this marine animal has sufficient amino acids namely Proline & Glycine in their lower body temperature, similar to human collagen. P...