Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Kanser Payudara merupakan antara pembunuh utama dikalangan wanita di Malaysia berdasarkan daripada kajian Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia menunjukkan kira-kira 94% kes yang dirawat di hospital kerajaan sudah ditahap paling kritikal dan sukar dipulihkan dan kemungkinannya membawa maut. Ada diantara puncanya adalah disebabkan pesakit lebih suka mendapatkan rawatan tradisi dan hanya bersetujuh mendapatkan rawatan klinikal apabila sudah parah. Ini berbeza dengan negara maju di mana statistik di negara maju menunjukkan 80 hingga 85 peratus pesakit kanser payudara dapat menjalani kehidupan biasa setelah menjalani rawatan awal, berbanding hanya 58 peratus di Malaysia.[1]
Apakah itu Kanser Payudara
Kanser Payudara adalah kanser yang berkembang dari tisu payudara.Tanda-tanda kanser payudara mungkin termasuk ketulan pada payudara, perubahan dalam bentuk payudara, dimpling pada kulit, cecair keluar dari puting atau bersisik patch merah pada kulit, puting termasuk kedalam . Bagi mereka yang menghidap penyakit ini, mungkin mangalami sakit tulang, kelenjar limfa membengkak, sesak nafas atau kulit kuning.
Tanda-tanda Kanser Payudara
Peringkat Dalam Kanser Payudara
Faktor Penyumbang Kanser Payudara
1)Sejarah Ahli keluarga pernah mengalami Kanser payudara
2) Mengalami masalah Kitaran Haid
3) Tidak Menyusukan badan bayi
4) Mengamalkan Pil Pencegah Kehamilan
5) Obesiti
6) Kurang Aktiviti Fisikal
7) Pemakanan
"Risk factors for breast cancer in the local population were similar to published data i.e. nulliparity, family history, lack of breast feeding, oral contraceptive pill, obesity, and physical activity. Of these, it is expected that there will be a surge in the number of breast cancer cases in the not too distant future, in view that obesity rates are increasing at an alarming rate in Malaysia. Malaysian women are becoming “Westernised’ in terms of changes in their reproductive risk factors, which starts with the earlier attainment of menarche, women opting to postpone marriage and pregnancies to a later age and having less number of children. Dietary changes may also play a role in the expected rise in the incidence of breast cancer. (http://www.e-mjm.org/2014/supplement-A/breast-cancer-research.pdf)
Tontoni Video ini untuk menilai Kebenaran Faktor Utama Penyumbang Kanser
"In summary, this study showed the importance of family histories of breast cancer, history of benign breast disease and menstrual irregularity on increasing the risk of breast cancer. Most importantly, the risk of the disease increased dramatically with OCP use, never breastfeeding and never practicing low fat diet."
"Predictors of Breast Cancer among Women in a Northern State of Malaysia: a Matched Case-control Study" (Laila Matalqah1,2*, Khaldoon Radaideh3, Zuraidah Mohd Yusoff1, AhmedAwaisu4)
Mengapa Pentingnya Low Fat Diet ?
Singapore Med J. 2009
Relationship between selenium and breast cancer: a case-control study in
the Klang Valley.
The purpose of this
study was to assess the relationship between selenium status and intake among
breast cancer patients from the Klang Valley.
64 cases and 127
controls were matched for age (range 30-65 years) and ethnicity, with an 80
percent study power. Subjects were interviewed to obtain information on their
habitual dietary intakes, demographic data and medical history. Selenium status
was determined from toenail and hair analysis using an inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometer.
The nutrient analysis showed that total
energy and protein intake was
significantly higher among controls (1,403
+/- 367 kcal/day, 75.6 +/- 33.2 g/day) as compared to cases (1,273 +/- 295
kcal/day, 60.9 +/- 19.1 g/day) (p-value is less than 0.05). The selenium intake
among cases (78.47 +/- 25.34 ug/day) was significantly lower than the controls
(89.34 +/- 36.85 ug/day) (p-value is less than 0.05). Breast cancer risk
decreased with the increasing quartiles of selenium intake, with odds ratios
(95 percent confidence interval) of 2.95 (1.22-7.12), 2.17 (1.13-4.19) and 1.71
(0.84-3.52), respectively. However, the association diminished after adjustment
for confounding factors. Selenium in hair did not differ among cases and controls,
but selenium status in the nails of controls was significantly higher as
compared to cases (p-value is less than 0.05). Breast cancer risk decreased
with the increasing quartiles of toenail selenium status as measured in the
toenail and hair.
Selenium intake and status was associated
with breast cancer risk. Thus, it is essential for Malaysian women to achieve a
good selenium status by consuming good food sources of selenium as a
chemopreventive agent.
Pil Pencegah Kehamilan
Gynecologist Gives 10 Reasons Women Should Quit Taking Birth Control
1. The Pill
dramatically increase a woman’s testosterone levels which can cause a low
sex drive, vaginal dryness, and painful intercourse. Up to 40% of women may
be experiencing this problem but not talking about
2. The reason the Pill
is famous for helping to clear up acne is that it overwhelms natural estrogen
with testosterone. While this may be a temporary benefit to taking the Pill,
long-term, your natural “female” hormones don’t return to normal. This means
your hormones stay whacked for decades. Dr. Kelly Brogan tells
the same tale of disturbed hormonal balance in women who have been taking the
pill, with no clear sign of the body returning to normal hormone levels.
– Recommended to read.
3. The gut is negatively
affected by BCPs. Another thing that gets “whacked” when you take the
pill is your gut health. Ulcerative
colitis and Crohn’s disease (both
linked to chronic gut inflammation) is more common among women who use oral
4. The Pill decreases
the bio-availability of key vitamins and minerals your body needs. Doctors still don’t
know how, but BCPs lower the
body’s absorption of vitamins
B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 (folate), B12, vitamins C and E, copper,
magnesium, selenium, and zinc.
5. The Pill causes
blood clots. If certain types of oral birth control are used, the tendency to
develop deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolus increases three-fold.
6. The Pill makes PMS
worse. Those containing drosperinone, a synthetic version of
progestin, are the worst.
8. The Pill can make
you gain weight, retain fluid, and feel bloated. The mainstream will
tell you that the Pill isn’t the reason for your weight gain, but just in case
you think it is, don’t worry – it will go away in a month
or two.
10. The Pill, as
opposed to other contraceptive methods can cause permanent delayed
conception. Maybe you don’t want kids now, but what about the future?
Kesan Pil Perancang Kehamilan Terhadap Kesihatan
Mammogram atau Thermography scan yang mana lebih baik ?
Petua Merawat Kanser Payu Darah
Beliau merupakan seorang dokter dan pernah menghidap kanser payudarah. Dalam video ini beliau menerangkan 7 langkah beliau dalam menangani dan menghindar kanser payudara dan penyakit lainnya.
Gerson's Theraphy For Cancer Cure
DR. Johanna Budwing ( Budwing Diet)
How to Make Cannabies oil
Testimoni pengguna Cannabies oil
Bagaimana pulak Dengan Mammogram?
Mammogram atau Thermography scan yang mana lebih baik ?
Petua Merawat Kanser Payu Darah
Gerson's Theraphy For Cancer Cure
DR. Johanna Budwing ( Budwing Diet)
How to Make Cannabies oil
Testimoni pengguna Cannabies oil
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